This research estimates the size and trend of the global electricity storage management and maintenance market as of 2021. The methodology for this work includes segmentation of the global market to multiple countries, with each country having a different ratio of residential, commercial, industrial and utility scale electricity storage installations. The result of this study for 2021 - global electricity storage management and maintenance market cap is 2.4 billion USD, composed of distributed (residential and commercial) 0.6 billion USD and centralized (industrial & utility-scale) 1.8 billion USD segments. By 2025 the global electricity storage management and maintenance is expected to grow to 10.2 billion USD, composed of 2.6 billion USD distributed and 7.6 billion USD centralized.
The methodology for this work includes segmentation of the global electricity storage market to multiple countries, with each country having a different ratio of residential, commercial, industrial and utility-scale installations. Distributed electricity storage installations are typically defined as "Behind The Meter" (BTM), while centralized electricity storage installations are defined as "Front of The Meter" (FTM). By utilizing the estimate of facility size ratios within each country multiplied by annual management and maintenance costs, one can obtain the global estimate of management and maintenance costs and hence the market size. The methodology includes figures for major countries with massive electricity storage deployments from a variety of sources and when unavailable - an estimate is utilized. It is important to emphasize that definitions for the matter of this study for residential scale are <5kWp, commercial is <200kWp, Industrial is <2MWp and utility scale is anything above 2MWp. Offgrid facilities are excluded from calculation, notably offgrid storage in developing countries. It should be noted that different countries apply varying facility size definitions for those segments. Hence, the results of this study may somewhat differ from other studies.
Figure 1. Estimating the global grid-connected electricity storage management and maintenance market growth - distributed (residential & commercial in light blue) and centralized (industrial & utility scale in gray).
In terms of deployment by country, the largest distributed electricity storage market is Germany, which had about 300,000 electricity storage units deployed nationwide by late 2020. Notably, about 70% of German residential solar installations are now coupled with an electricity storage unit. By the end of 2021, German distributed storage market is set to reach 385-485,000 installed electricity storage units. The second largest distributed electricity storage market is the US, reaching about 165,000 cumulative installations by the end of 2020. About one half of those units were installed in 2020 - practically doubling the cumulative figure within a single year. The overall global distributed electricity storage market is estimated to reach 4.8 million installations by 2025.
The result of this study for 2021 - global electricity storage management and maintenance market cap is estimated at 2.4 billion USD, composed of distributed (residential and commercial) 0.6 billion USD and centralized (industrial & utility-scale) 1.8 billion USD segments. By 2025 the global electricity storage management and maintenance is expected to grow to 10.2 billion USD, composed of 2.6 billion USD distributed and 7.6 billion USD centralized. The rate of electricity storage deployment between 2021 to 2025 is expected to grow more aggressively than during 2015-2019 period, reaching an average CAGR of over 40%.
The extended commercial report can be purchased at LNRG Technology digital store.